Monday, November 6, 2017

10 Reasons Why Mindfulness Meditation Could Be a Fraud

i - If it were so useful where has it been for the last 2000 years?
ii - Much of what I do (maybe all) when I practice is simple thinking while sitting.
iii - Sitting cross-legged makes me feel not quite noble, but less like a sloth.
iv - I am just a different / new-age / enlightenment want-a-be.
v - It provides a (or rather, another) believable reason to permit being narcissistic.
vi - Who is the 'self' that is observing / being aware?
vii - How is the subjective claim of 'no-self' or 'emptiness' different from the claim of 'seeing the light [of heaven]?
viii - We are in a big thought-bubble / group-think / circle-jerk where no one is questioning it's merits.
ix - We have a biological inclination to seek meaning; this is just another story.
x - How could an enlightened being have a weight problem. Suspect.

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