Wednesday, November 28, 2018

10 Salad Freeroll (Part 1)

I wanted to both spice it up in the kitchen a bit and get back on the healthy train, so I posted a freeroll on giving my friend Andy a chance at $50 if I didn't make, eat, and post 10 unique and healthful salads in a span of 4 days.

In order:

First up:
Ingredients: Spinach, onion, cherry tomatoes
Dressing: OO, balsamic, and fancy mustard
Score: 6/10, simple, healthy, easy to make

Second down the hatch:
Ingredients: Lettuce (francesa), roasted butternut squash, blue and blackberries, onion, avocado
Dressing: OO, balsamic
Score: 8/10, nice creamy texture, flavorful

Third up - Caprese for breakfast:
Ingredients: Half spinach, half arugula, basic, one fried egg, onion, cherry tomatoes
Dressing: Egg (yoke) and the OO it was fried in
Score: 7/10, good but it is going to take a while to get used to eating salads for breakfast again.

Fourth: Stir Fried Salad
Ingredients: Half spinach, half lettuce, one (whole) fried onion, fried cherry tomatoes, and fried basic (all fried with fancy mustard and chili powder)
Dressing: OO (and the fried left-over juice)
Score: 7/10, the fried stuff had a very nice flavor, the basil was tasty, but I didn't like the texture of the salad overall

Fifth: Raw
Ingredients: Spinach, raw broccoli, carrot, and cherry tomato
Dressing: OO
Score: 6/10, broccoli is quite flavorful, but just very plain.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

WIL yesterday #3

A good thing about arguing and then making up is that the next time it happens you l that everything will be alright when you wake up the next morning.

You might not feel it the moment while arguing, but you know it on an unconscious level.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Yet again

Again upon entering the United States I am welcomed by helpful strangers.

It is great speaking the same language and culture.

Good to be home.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

A cool thought about evolution...

... is that it programmed us for to keep improving.

But that also comes bundled with loss of perspective. We get anxious when today is lightly worse than yesterday without seeing the big beautiful picture. That is sad.

BUT evolution also gave us reason. With this power we can know our bias and work to overcome it.

Monday, February 5, 2018

A case for AI being under-appreciated

Anthropromorphism is the attribution of human characteristics to objects.

We do this all the time - in our thinking, stories, jokes, and dreams. And often times we don't realize we are doing it.

Even many things we think of as fundamental are in reality not facts about the world so much as they are facts about humans.

I think there is a Shakespeare quotes that goes something like "Nothing is good or bad, but thinking makes it so."

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Superbowl First World Problems

What am I afraid of?

Not standing for anything and have my decisions driven by tomorrow and jealousy.

That seems like a bad outcome.

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Essay time

I have to write an essay.

The thinking is that it is the tool for really learning and advancing your understanding of a topic.

For the first time it feels manageable...
...but then again I have not started.