Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Photos May '14

In Berlin for another week before I am off to Thailand for a few months.
Here are some pics from the trip so far......

Photo of some great family photos. On Grandpa's wall.

Got to Budapest Easter Sunday night. Took hours to find my place.

My transportation.

From The Citadel in Budapest

Sun setting as I am still 30km from Vienna and am trying to figure out how to cross the river.

Tom Petty, Bruce Springsteen, Jet and a lot of peddling.

Some town between Budapest and Bratislava

Tons of graffiti in Berlin 

Coolest park I have seen. Old airfield turned into huge park.

It's everywhere and some of it is really cool.

My home for the past week and next week.

Take care,

Friday, May 9, 2014

Eurotrip Notes: May 14'

So far been to London -> flew to Budapest -> bought a bicycle -> rode to Vienna -> Train to Berlin
Will upload some photos tomorrow.
Staying in Berlin awhile, so I can get some playing in.
Been having a blast.
Reading a lot (The Hard Thing About Hard Things, Without Their Permission, The 4-Hour Work Week, Flash Boys, now on My Share of the Task)
Been staying in Hostels and using AirBnb for longer stays. Both are fun, easy and good ways to meet people.
Some thoughts:
- I love how the traffic lights turn from red back to yellow before going to green. Why don't we do this?
- Yoga = good
- Doner Kebabs = really good
- You have a super powerful computer that can do anything. Turn it on. What does it do? needs priorities. Conclusion: emotion/values/morals are the the drivers of rationality and logic, not the other way around.
- Stop thinking and planning, start doing.
A few cool sites:
Congrats Ryan (younger brother) on get to work

Take care