Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Remembering: Long Term Satisfaction > Immediate Pleasure

Every self-help guru repeats the same mantra: "Think long term."

I believe them.

The problem is that I don't have many experiences to support the mantra.
To provide the energy to turn the words of the mantra into more than words - action.

Hmmm, so ..."I believe them" is not quite correct.
Rather it's "I trust them".

They are different.
Belief needs to be accompanied with a feeling.
A feeling that I am struggling to muster.

Or should I say: was struggling.

Taking a large poop this morning provided just the experience I am talking about.
This was not merely a pleasurable poop, but an immensely satisfying one.
One that forwent pleasure for days...
but in the end was, without a doubt, worth it.

While not the most profound example, I think little constant reminders that 'satisfaction > pleasure' are necessary until I build up the experiences and the memories and feelings that spring from them to help turn the self-help mantra in to action. 

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