Monday, October 30, 2017

10 Reasons I am Grateful for Not Having a Real Job

Both people I know who have transitioned from having a real job to playing poker as an occupation have confessed an almost deranged perspective to me. As the pain is being hurled upon them, as it is at some point or another to everyone who chooses this occupation, they have confessed "This hurts but still beats having a real job."

I can't share their perspective because I don't have their experience, but I try to be as grateful as they are for not having a dreaded, evil, corrupt, monotonous morally bankrupt '''''real job'''''.


The Small (but non trivial) Reasons:
1 - No dressing up like a clown - a suit, tie, pants, or shirt with a pocket or buttons.
2 - Not having to listen to co-workers complain. I have enough of that at home, I come to work to escape that, not have more of it.
3 - No arbitrary schedule.
4 - No city, state, country that you have to live it.

Real Reasons:
5 - THE WORK is always more important than the signaling of the work.
6 - You get all the blame. And all the glory.
7 - You are free to always adjust work:life balance. Freedom.
8 - You discover real motivations rather than purely structural or profane ones. (Anger, survival, and curiosity rather than climbing a ladder.)
9 - Zero politics if you choose. Zero.
10 - Will + work + patience lead, with mathematical certainty, to the fleeting yet amazing feeling of progress and the stable feeling of earned satisfaction.


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