Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Tuesday, October 18th, 2011

Coarse Request (picking classes for next semester) is this week. This time around it seems like everyone graduating at the same time as me has to come up with what they want to do after they graduate in order to pick there future classes. This does not make me feel very good seeing that I have no idea what I am going do when I graduate.
I do know what I don't want to do. I don't want to use my degree in the way it was intended, get a job for a construction company, and work a nine to five. That would be way too boring and too easy and too simple.
So, if I want to do this poker/self employed thing directly after graduating I need to start getting my shit together, now. I told myself a while back that I need to have $X of liquid assets when graduating in order for me to attempt the poker route; and as of today I am nowhere close. In order to get to that number I can't coast or relax, I need to start grinding and putting in the hours and effort.

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