Wednesday, October 12, 2011

October 12, 2011

I wonder where the line is and if I have crossed it. If not I think that I am getting close. I'm talking about the line between confidence and arrogance. For some reason I that I can't pinpoint I am really confident about everything in my future. I wonder if I was not so confident that maybe I would work harder and be more motivated about school. And I also wonder why I have this sense of confidence about future Ted. Thinking about it now I have no special talent, my work-ethic is only slightly above average, my IQ is probably not too high, and I probably am not quite good looking enough to be a movie star. If I had to guess I would say that my possible false confidence complex come from my childhood environment. My parents were always quick to point out why I was "special" and were reserved when it came to pointing out my flaws. I always had more money than my peers growing up and performed relativity well in athletics, but all my peers were flat broke and being named 1st team all district is not quite as impressive when there are only 4 teams in your district and fifty percent of them couldn't get a base hit if they tossed the ball to themselves.  
I don't know if it is possible to consciously try to be less confident.  

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