Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Conventional Wisdom

Recently something got ball rolling in my head of all the problems with "Conventional Wisdom" and advice in general.

i - From the long-view of time, change is happening in almost all areas of life at a much faster rate than ever before. For thousands of years, change happened slow enough that knowledge could be refined over generations and passed down as wisdom. Now genuine wisdom from one generation ago might be completely outdated or unusable. 

ii - Disregarding the problem of time and change, advice is general tends to be biased in many ways. An important one was pointed out to me in the context of the elderly, but seems to apply generally.

When we are thinking about the elderly we tend to value safety over freedom. But when we think about ourselves we often value freedom over safety. In short our desires for others tend to be different than the desires we have for ourselves.  

When you get or give advice, you generally are not after the answer to "what do you think I should do?", but rather "what would you do in my shoes?" and the answers might be very different.

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