Thursday, January 24, 2013

First Week in Playa del Carmen

I've been in Playa for over a week now and I have to say that I think I made a good choice to move here for the next six months. Everybody is friendly and helpful, the weather is perfect, the beaches are great, and the food is good. 
A few observations during this first week in Playa:
1- Everyday I see a handful of people doing sports illustrated style photo shoots on the beach. What are you doing? Sure you look good in a bathing suit, but why are you doing this? Show them to your kids in 15 years? Post on Facebook? I don't know maybe I'm missing something.
2- I'm still undecided on topless beaches.
3- Good book > Good movie
4- Everybody looks better with a tan.
5- What if the Mexican Segurity Guard/Police Union, the MSGPU (I just made this up), made up the hole "mexico is dangerous" garbage and fed it to the press so they would get more jobs? Brilliant. 
6- It's crazy how things can be so expensive and so cheap in the same town. On the beach you can't get dinner for under $20; go a few blocks inland and people are feeding families of 6 (or more) for that much (getting about the same quantity and quality).

Things that I Want To Do While in Playa (in no particular order):
1- Get down to 10% Body Fat. Plan on running on the beach, eating somewhat healthy, not going to CookOut, playing tennis, basketball, beach volleyball, and Frisbee. Maybe swimming?
2- Have a good time.
3- Get a lot better at playing poker. To do this I just need to put in the effort.
4- Make enough money that I can do whatever I want the rest of the year. To do this I just need to put in the time.
5- Become proficient in Spanish. Enough so I can travel to places they speak Spanish and do everything on my own (i.e. get a lease, find good food, talk to locals, etc...)

Moving into my place tomorrow. Will post pictures when I can.


Sunday, January 13, 2013

And We're Off?

Graduated college. 

It's hard to sum up four and a half years in words but.....probably chose wrong major, met some great people, had some good times, learned some important (?) stuff from some intelligent people, and laughed a lot. But I cant lie, unfortunately I have some regrets. Mainly not taking enough risks (you are in the safest lowest risk place in the world), why not push yourself.

I'm off to mexico in a day or so for the next little while (six months?). More to come.......