Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Ok so....

Yesterday all I was thinking about was how badly I wanted to drop out of school and be on my way. I kept on thinking about Steve Job's Stanford commencement speech and how he said if you wake up in the morning, look in the mirror, and say what I am going to do today is not what I want to do, than it is time to move on. All day I was thinking about this and I was one pep (it would have had to been good) talk away from packing up the car and heading on my way.
But then last night (I seem to be getting my best thinking done at night lately) I realized that I have not been wanting to go to school for the last little while for all the wrong reasons. Mostly I wanted to get out of here because I felt like the hole world was moving forward and I have been stuck in neutral for the past four years, every one is out in the world making money, getting married, and the like (Prof. Sergei reference).
However, this is not the way I (or any of us) should look at things, we should not compare ourselves to everyone else. I should rather only compare what I am doing with what I want to be doing, leaving what everyone else is doing or thinks I should be doing behind.
So what do I want to be doing.....some part of me does want to compete with everyone else and make the most money, have the best job, wife, etc. Another part wants to continue learning for the next 10 months because this opportunity might never be hear again. And yet another part wants to finish school because it would probably make my parents happier than if I didn't.
The exciting thing is the notion that when I graduate maybe all these different ways that I want to go could merge into one path (that sounds very Confucius like) ....yadda yadda yadda

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