"They all love me but you're the only one who does anything. Goodbye."
Again encountering the fact that words and actions are not the same thing.
And in some cases the words without the accompanying actions are deceptive.
"They all love me but you're the only one who does anything. Goodbye."
Again encountering the fact that words and actions are not the same thing.
And in some cases the words without the accompanying actions are deceptive.
Both desirable states. And both have in common that the self is dissolved.
But also different. Flow you are totally lost on the moment. Mindfulness you are totally aware of the moment.
I like the idea that "you learn nothing from that which you don't give your all".
Meshes well with 'intentionality'...
...need to edit this tomorrow.
This time of year I am drawn to planning.
I get excited.
But here, less is more.
What didn't work last year?
Just try not to repeat those. No adding goals or plans. Simple.
Is claiming someone is deeply confused an insult?
I can imagine someone in a rage of anger. In place of getting angry you call him deeply confused.
Hehe. I like that image. You can avoid anger for yourself. And I the right kind of fool won't take being called deeply confused very well.
They are tough in more than one way.
Having a good conversation with language that everyone understands, actual listening, and intent to keep calm is tough to find.
And knowing when to push for having a difficult emotional conversation is tough as well.
But both, when you find them, are worth the wait and the cost.
I rode the best wave of my life today.
It was new, scary, uncertain, and thrilling.
I want to experience that feeling again with more new experiences in different areas of life.
I just got really lucky. Really really lucky. Pure lucky.
Half the time I am greatful, but the other half I am hateful, resentful, and jealous.
I should have done more, it missed my big chance, I didn't do as well as him.
I was under the illusion that I was different. That I was greatful for my luck. I was not like everyone else.
I would overcome the mindless, the negative, the ego.
Nope. I am just like everyone else.
More work to do. More meditation to practice. More Osho to read!
Another Very Bad Wizard podcast. This one on Thomas Nagel's Fractional values.
He makes the case that there are moral and practical decisions that cannot be reasoned through using one value. In many cases we hold competing values that can't be reconciled.
Do you follow you passion and life's work tomorrow or do you spend it with your loved ones?
But he stresses that this conflict does not mean that our moral decisions are arbitrary, rather that that need to be chosen with care.
But it also is true.
Our moments do add up to our lives.
And some small moments are really really important and special.
It is something that I have historically struggled with, but did a good job this time.
When the end of one experience is approaching it is easy to forget that the ending is the most important part, while we look forward to a new beginning.
Planning and anticipation are great until they get in the way of here and now.
It seems like there are many different ways of discovering that you are not really in control of your thoughts. And I have not run into any opposing opinions.
What does a life look like if you took this fact very very seriously?
Today I am greatful for good friends.
Hope all is well.
I came across a quote that framed listening as a skill.
I love that idea - that you can become a better listener the same way you become better at other skills, with deliberate practice.
The quotes explains a main tenet of being a skilled listener: the ability to hold in your mind all the agitation caused by the information coming at you. Hold it and remain calm.
It's tough.
This weekend I am seeing many old friends and meeting new people. Seems like a great opportunity to practice.
Of how the Buddha was right.
I have free money / found money and it is causing me stress.
It is objectively a purely positive thing and yet my mind is not satisfied.