Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Damn you......

....good mood, go way, I need to work.
For the past few days I have been in a strangely good mood (a bouncing/skipping instead of walking down the street good mood). My cousin got engaged!!!, running good at the tables, weather is beautiful, good book, eating too much, no exercise[1], looking forward to some travel at the end of the month and ending up back home to see my family for Christmas....just nothing bad has entered my head in the last few days[2].
I need to snap out of it. When I am in a good mood there are so many things I would rather be doing than[3] sitting in front of my computer playing poker (and I am a little less than half way to getting to my volume target for November).


[1] - I am getting fat in a hurry.
[2] - I haven't turned on my TV in weeks and only get my news via twitter....maybe that has something to do with my good mood too?
[3] - I still don't know the difference between then and than. Is that acceptable?

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