I wanted to both spice it up in the kitchen a bit and get back on the healthy train, so I posted a freeroll on freeroll.io giving my friend Andy a chance at $50 if I didn't make, eat, and post 10 unique and healthful salads in a span of 4 days.
In order:
First up:
Ingredients: Spinach, onion, cherry tomatoes
Dressing: OO, balsamic, and fancy mustard
Score: 6/10, simple, healthy, easy to make
Second down the hatch:
Ingredients: Lettuce (francesa), roasted butternut squash, blue and blackberries, onion, avocado
Dressing: OO, balsamic
Score: 8/10, nice creamy texture, flavorful
Third up - Caprese for breakfast:
Ingredients: Half spinach, half arugula, basic, one fried egg, onion, cherry tomatoes
Dressing: Egg (yoke) and the OO it was fried in
Score: 7/10, good but it is going to take a while to get used to eating salads for breakfast again.
Fourth: Stir Fried Salad
Ingredients: Half spinach, half lettuce, one (whole) fried onion, fried cherry tomatoes, and fried basic (all fried with fancy mustard and chili powder)
Dressing: OO (and the fried left-over juice)
Score: 7/10, the fried stuff had a very nice flavor, the basil was tasty, but I didn't like the texture of the salad overall
Fifth: Raw
Ingredients: Spinach, raw broccoli, carrot, and cherry tomato
Dressing: OO
Score: 6/10, broccoli is quite flavorful, but just very plain.