I have not played online poker since April 8 (Black Friday). But last weekend I went and played live with my friend and started thinking again about whether or not I would like poker to be my profession after I finish school in a year and a half.
It's good to have options; here are mine, in respect to which I prefer at this moment.
1- Finish this year, leaving one year to graduate, pack up, maybe with a friend or two, move abroad (assuming online poker is not legalized yet), play for a year, reevaluate
2- Finish school then play for a year and reevaluate
3- Finish school get a normal job like everyone else, by poker on the side, aka live a normal life
I really like option 1 at the moment, I don't think my parents would like it though. It has a lot going for it and really nothing going against it.
- get to move abroad and see more of the world
- get to play poker and finally figure out if I could do this for a living and if I want to do it
*wow Kenny Rogers "The Gambler" song just started playing on pandora, could be a sign, eh
- if I fail, come home finish school and get a job
- get to live my life my way (underrated if you ask me)
- could make a lot of money if everything goes to plan
The only downside if it does not work is the loss of time (very valuable), loss of earning potential (whatever), wouldn't get to graduate with friends that I went to school with. That is all I can think of anyway.